Consultation – Extended Research (Family Tree Project)


Researching people, places, or things can be frustrating.
Let me help you find the lost leaves from the family tree!

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Stumbling along the family history road?

Several assistance options are available:

  • Extended Research provides research services for the client that includes a detailed report of findings and analysis, relevant documents with citations, and if applicable, a family history consisting of a family pedigree and/or file for genealogy software. — $50 per hour, additional fees (copies, mileage, etc.) may apply. Deposits are required to schedule a project.

Additional information

Extended Research

1 Hr, 2 Hrs, 5 Hrs, 20 Hrs Deposit, 10 Hrs, 15 Hrs, 20 Hrs, 1/2 due 10 Hrs deposit, 5Hr & 1Hr Consult